
Your lawn may look fairly dormant and inactive most of the time. It might surprise you, then, to discover that your seemingly ordinary grass is abuzz with life! One of the things that makes working on lawns so fascinating for us at Green Grounds, a renowned Frisco lawn fertilization company, is knowing what a dynamic, evolving ecosystem your grass constitutes. We sometimes take grass for granted, but a world without it would be inconceivable.

What Is Your Grass Going?

The answer is eye-opening to us, a lawn fertilization company in Frisco TX, and will be to you. What your first-choice Frisco lawn fertilization company is talking about is this:

  • NGrass is a living and ever-changing entity.
  • NIts odds of flourishing dwindle if it isn’t ministered to by a qualified lawn fertilization company in Frisco TX like Green Grounds.
  • NGrass binds soil together.
  • NGrass releases life-sustaining oxygen into the air.
  • NGrass is an integral part of the natural world.

Helpful Tips From a Frisco Lawn Fertilization Company

Simple, smart changes to your own lawn care program can keep the grass in exceptional health until Frisco lawn fertilization company Green Grounds gets there. Homeowner upkeep of their lawn is an indispensable component of an overall lawn maintenance plan. Our suggestions are just another indication of how much this lawn fertilization company in Frisco TX cares about you and your lawn.

  • NFor excellent results, the grass should be cut to these specified heights – St. Augustine (two and a half inches or higher), Bermuda (one and three-quarters inches or lower).
  • NPay attention to your lawn mower blades. Sharpen them annually.
  • NDuring peak summer months, water the lawn with at least one inch each week.
  • NAllow the grass to dry off before walking on it.

Call the Lawn Fertilization Company in Frisco TX That Stands by You

Green Grounds is elated when new clients enlist us as their Frisco lawn fertilization company. We have shown time after time that we can revive even the most lackluster lawn and groom it until it wows people. That is why we have such a large, devoted following and are steadily adding to it.

Don’t forget this phone number: 972-809-3186. Call us so we can inform you of all the pluses of having Green Grounds preserve your lawn.